Articles & Stories

Living Well with Ovarian Cancer: Christine’s Palliative Care Story

April 27, 2015

Listen to the first episode of our new podcast series, “A Quality Life,” featuring Christine’s story:

No matter who you are, receiving a diagnosis of a serious illness can be life-altering and difficult emotionally. When Christine Buehlmann was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she saw her life change radically.

“I am usually a very positive person and it was so overwhelming that I was going into a very deep depression,” she said. “It dramatically changed my life and I was completely devastated.” … Read More

Tips for Tackling Caregiving

April 14, 2015

Did you know that over 25% of the US population (more than 65 million people) provides care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend during any given year? The number of caregivers is rising as the population is aging. So what can the family caregiver do? … Read More

Palliative care helps your doctor, too

March 2, 2015

When you have a serious illness like cancer or heart disease, your relationship with your doctor is important. It’s so important that many patients worry their doctor will be upset if they ask for extra help to cope with pain or other symptoms.

The truth is that doctors are glad to have an extra layer of support. Why? Because it helps them focus on fighting your underlying illness. … Read More

Palliative care helps manage the symptoms and stress of serious illness. How can you find it?

January 21, 2015

If you or a loved one have a serious illness, it can be hard to find the help that you need – even from your regular doctors.

You may have pain, shortness of breath, nausea or other symptoms. You may have unanswered questions about your illness and what the future will bring. Palliative care can help. … Read More

Family Caregiving: A Personal Glimpse

January 2, 2015

The holiday season is a time for reflection. It can be a difficult season for those who have lost someone dear to them or know that this will be the last holiday with a seriously ill loved one. For this last “quick fact” of the year, I would like to reflect on the incredible work of families.

This past year I took off my nurse practitioner clinician hat and embraced the role of daughter helping to care for my father in the final stages of Lewy Body disease, a type of dementia. Palliative care has been the constant throughout his long illness. By stepping into a more personal experience of palliative care, my conviction was reinforced that palliative care meets an individual and family’s unique beliefs, values and needs.

My shift from professional to family caregiver this past year has provided great insight into the family experience. It hit home that families need information and caring guidance regardless of the disease type and regardless of what they already know.

Palliative care has no agenda. The heart of this type of care is a team of professionals who get to know the patients, their loved ones and caregivers. Understanding patients and families ensures that the treatments match their goals, not the goals of health team or health plan.

When my father was first diagnosed, the neurologist gave us a stern warning: This will either tear you apart or bring you closer together as a family. See if you can do the latter, but get help now.” We were lucky in a sense. My father, a retired surgeon and pioneer in medical ethics, spoke frequently about serious illness and “what ifs” when we were growing up. So when we were faced with the reality of his condition, these kinds of discussions were not new to us.

Initially, my father took the lead, talking about the likely course of the disease and his wishes for medical care. His highest priority was to maintain both mental and physical function as long as possible. He wanted to remain at home, if possible, and minimize hospitalizations, always keeping my mother’s comfort level in mind.

Dad has been unable to walk, move, feed or care for himself for nearly four years now.  We are grateful for his initial guidance and for the guidance of geriatric and palliative care specialists we sought early in his illness and along the way. They helped transition Dad to hospice care as the disease progressed, enabling him to stay at home. Amazingly, he has not been back to a hospital or had to get to a doctor’s office in over three years. They come to us. And he is comfortable. So is my 85-year-old mother who takes loving care of him. His 7 adult children, in-laws and grandchildren (and his beloved “grandpets”) have all been cared for along with him.

This Thanksgiving we could not get Dad out of bed to sit at the table. He’s just too weak. So we ate around his bed. We talked about Thanksgivings past, with memories of sitting around the fire with all the grandparents, long walks and family time. My brother, a Catholic Priest, said Mass at Dad’s bedside and read prayers; my father was quietly attentive. His faith is the most important thing in his life and gives him peace. Mom cooked her famous turnips and Dad enjoyed them. While his appetite is poor, even just a taste made him smile. He is still aware at times — and those times are precious.

Palliative care matches treatments to patient values, beliefs and life goals. Not only have I provided this type of care to others – now I’ve lived it. It can be done. Dad led us in this from the beginning and we have taken his lead and learned much along the way. As we continue to gather together this holiday season and anticipate his death, I can honestly say to him, to my mother, to my siblings, and yes, even to me – job well done. I am so thankful to the palliative care providers who have been with us since his diagnosis, and who continue to guide us still.

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Do you have a serious illness? Palliative care can help.

December 15, 2014

Do you, or someone you love, have a serious illness? If so, you may wish you were spending more time enjoying life, and less time coping with pain, stress or other symptoms. Palliative care can help.

Palliative care is an extra layer of support for you, your family and your doctors. It will help manage your pain and symptoms. It will help you understand your treatment options. And it will help you cope with the day-to-day challenges of living with a serious illness. … Read More

Health Care Proxy vs. Living Will

December 1, 2014

A health care proxy and a living will are both forms of advance directives – ways to communicate how medical decisions should be made if you cannot make your own decisions.

What is a health care proxy?

A health care proxy (also referred to as a durable power of attorney for health care) is a document that appoints someone to make medical decisions for you, if you are in a situation where you can’t make them yourself. … Read More

Five Questions to Ask Your Doctor When You (or a Loved One) are Diagnosed with a Serious Illness

November 2, 2014

When you’re diagnosed with a serious illness, it is common to have a mixture of many emotions – fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, guilt. Also, if you have had symptoms for a long time or have undergone many tests, finally “knowing the answer” may in some ways be a relief. … Read More

Part II: Medicare and Medicaid Tips for Better Care

April 1, 2014

Medicare is insurance for people age 65 and over, those with certain chronic disabilities and people with kidney failure. Medicaid is insurance for people with very low incomes and financial resources. People ages 65 and older who have limited income and savings may qualify for both programs. … Read More

Part I: Medicare and Medicaid Understanding What Is Covered

March 1, 2014

One of the first things to do when you (or a loved one) are living with a serious illness is to get informed about the benefits for which you may qualify. These include national and state programs as well as community agencies. … Read More