A Quality Life

Three Ways Palliative Care Teams Help the Caregiver Too

December 11, 2022

The holiday season can be a difficult season for family caregivers. When your loved one is living with a serious illness, you won’t let them tackle the obstacles alone. Their struggles are your struggles. Their pain is your pain. You’re there to help them in any way you can.

But who helps you?  … Read More

Are You Living with Breast Cancer? Palliative Care Can Help

October 19, 2022

If you or a loved one have received a breast cancer diagnosis, you know that it can be scary. You may have gone from thinking everything was okay to suddenly needing to decide about surgery and starting treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy. On top of this, you may experience symptoms such as pain, nausea, anxiety, and fatigue. Combined, this may all feel very stressful and overwhelming. You’re not alone. Palliative care can help. … Read More

How Palliative Care Helped Amy Get Back to Her Hobbies

May 16, 2022

Amy is in her mid-40s and loves the outdoors—especially biking, hiking, and walking her dog. 

In the fall of 2018, she felt a lump on her neck, and when it did not go away, she visited her primary care doctor. After many tests, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes and femur (thigh bone). She was devastated and scared.

A few weeks later, Amy started treatment with radiation and a medicine that helps the body’s immune system fight cancer. This combination can get cancer under control but may cause side effects.

After a month of treatment, Amy’s oncologist, or cancer doctor, recognized that she could use an extra layer of support to deal with her symptoms and stress. A palliative care nurse started to visit her at home every week and was available by phone whenever Amy needed to reach out. She helped Amy through her difficult treatments, both physically and emotionally. The goal was to get her back to feeling like herself again, which to her, meant being active and riding her bike.   

This is Amy’s palliative care story.  … Read More

Rae Anne Reflects: Achieving Your Goals

April 18, 2022


Rae Anne was diagnosed with stage 4 head and neck cancer after finding a lump on her neck. She is now in remission and back to share more of her story. This time, she joins the podcast to speak with Dr. Tony Back about how palliative care sees the patient as a person. They also discuss how palliative care helped Rae Anne and her family manage her symptoms, understand the path forward, and match her treatment options to her goals.  … Read More

A Quality Life: How Palliative Care Helps the Patient and the Family

September 13, 2021

Rae Anne, who was diagnosed with stage 4 head and neck cancer after finding a lump on her neck, is back to share more of her story. This time, she joins our podcast to speak with Dr. Diane E. Meier about how palliative care helped change her life—and her family’s—for the better. 

If unfamiliar with her story, Rae Anne started chemotherapy and radiation treatments soon after her diagnosis. Later, she received a call from the palliative care team at her cancer center, who met with her and her family to help figure out how they can help. Together, they thought of ways to help Rae Anne feel more like herself, which included communicating with and coordinating care between all of her different doctors, managing her medications, and much more. 

Rae Anne shares, “I absolutely attribute palliative care to being able to take next steps, to becoming healthier again. They tied the knot that made everything better.” … Read More

Rae Anne Reflects: How Palliative Care Helps to Manage Pain and Symptoms of a Serious Illness

June 21, 2021

Rae Anne is on a mission to share how palliative care changed her and her family’s life for the better. She is living well, after treatment from stage 4 head and neck cancer, and wants to help other people living with a serious illness understand how palliative care can help them, too. Her video series, Rae Anne Reflects, includes conversations with different members of the palliative care team. Her goal is to share how palliative care adds an extra layer of support for patients and families – from the time of diagnosis, through, and after treatment.  … Read More

A Quality Life: Marion’s Breast Cancer and Palliative Care Story

April 9, 2019

For Marion, breast cancer and its treatment brought pain and depression that kept her from the things she loved doing. She was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in 2014. Eventually, Marion’s oncologist referred her to palliative care.

Palliative care (pronounced pal-lee-uh-tiv) is specialized medical care for people living with serious illness. This type of care is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve quality of life for both the patient and the family. Palliative care is provided by a specially-trained team of doctors, nurses and other specialists who work together with a patient’s other doctors to provide an extra layer of support. It is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, and it can be provided along with curative treatment.

“Since I began seeing palliative care, I am much more aware of living purposefully, of spending my time doing things that mean something,” says Marion.  … Read More

Treating Chronic Pain: Kelly’s Palliative Care Story

March 10, 2019

When Kelly—a central New Jersey woman in her early 30s—is asked what brings her joy, she doesn’t have to think very hard.

“It’s definitely being with my young son. He’s my world. His smile lights up my life,” says Kelly.

Since she was 12 years old, Kelly has faced an array of medical issues. Over the years, she has dealt with lupus, mitochondrial disease, a clot in her lung and main vein to the heart, and autonomic neuropathy. These issues have caused additional heart and bladder problems, as well as gastropareses, which affects the normal movement of muscles in the stomach. Kelly had done her best to deal with the chronic pain for nearly half her life, but in 2016, the issues became unbearable, and even the smallest task became an issue. … Read More

Maintaining Quality of Life with Alzheimer’s: Palliative Care Can Help

November 7, 2018

If you or a loved one are living with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, you know you are facing a difficult road ahead. The disease begins with memory loss, confusion and trouble making decisions, and gets worse over time, eventually affecting basic control over the body. But with the help of a medical specialty called palliative care, there is a lot that can be done to make people living with dementia more comfortable and reduce distress.

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Living well with serious illness: Deadra’s lupus story

September 27, 2018

For junior high sweethearts Darryl and Andrea Gladden, the needs of their three daughters and one son have always come before anything else.

“All we have ever wanted is for our kids to be able to do what brings them happiness,” says Darryl.

This need to support their children at every turn has been magnified over the years as all three of their daughters were diagnosed with lupus when each entered their teen years.

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