Tag: hpm

How Palliative Care Helps People Living with Heart Failure

January 25, 2024

Heart failure and palliative care

By Andrew Esch, MD

Heart failure is a serious illness that can take a toll on quality of life for patients and their families. If you are living with heart failure, you already know that it is a serious illness in which the heart is unable to pump blood properly. Palliative care can help. … Read More

Palliative Care Helps You Live With Heart Failure

June 28, 2020

By Andrew Esch, MD

Heart failure is a serious illness that can take a toll on the quality of life of patients and their families. If you are living with heart failure, you already know that it is a serious illness in which the heart is unable to pump blood properly. Palliative care can help. … Read More

Coronavirus: What to Know if You Have Heart Failure

May 26, 2020

Living with a serious illness like heart failure can be challenging on its own. Unfortunately, it also carries an increased risk of complications from the coronavirus. This surely adds another level of concern right now for you, your family and caregivers. It can be hard to know the cause of new or worsening symptoms, since several overlap. So it’s important to be as informed as possible, know when to communicate with your doctors – and when to call 9-1-1 for an emergency. … Read More

Webinar On-Demand: Managing Shortness of Breath to Improve Your Quality of Life

Listen and watch on-demand here.

Recorded: February 12, 2019 @ 1:30 ET

Featured Presenter:
Tara Liberman, DO
Northwell Health

Webinar Description:
Shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms for people living with a serious illness. It can be caused by asthma, cancer, heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), pneumonia, or other conditions. Struggling for air can be exhausting and frightening for you and for your caregivers. A palliative care team can help. Palliative care is available at any stage of your disease and the earlier you get it, the better.  … Read More

Improving quality of life for people living with heart failure

February 11, 2018

Life with heart failure can be a difficult journey. Your symptoms may get in the way of day-to-day activities, your family members may worry about how to take care of you, and you may be unsure about what to expect and how to plan for your future. Palliative care can help make that journey easier on you and your family, so you can live as well as possible.

Palliative care is specialized medical care that is focused on improving quality of life for people living with serious illness, and their families. It provides an extra layer of support to control your pain and symptoms, and to coordinate your care. Your palliative care team will work closely with your heart doctor and any other doctors who are treating you to make sure your treatment plan is right for you. … Read More

Improving quality of life for people living with heart failure

September 28, 2017

Life with heart failure can be a difficult journey. Your symptoms may get in the way of day-to-day activities, your family members may worry about how to take care of you, and you may be unsure about what to expect and how to plan for your future. Palliative care can help make that journey easier for you and your family so you can live as well as possible.

Palliative care is team-based medical care that is focused on improving quality of life for people living with serious illness and their families. It provides an added layer of support to control your pain and symptoms and to coordinate your care. Your palliative care team will work closely with your heart doctor and any other doctors who are treating you, to make sure your treatment plan is right for you. … Read More