Tag: palliative care

A Quality Life: Episode 3, Shari and Jim’s Palliative Care Story

June 25, 2015

In this episode, we hear from Shari McClendon, who has pulmonary hypertension. We also speak to her husband and devoted caretaker, Jim. Shari and Jim detail the critical role that palliative care has played in improving their quality of life. Shari and Jim speak to how palliative care has supported their entire family in a variety of ways. … Read More

Dealing with Serious Illness Together: Shari and Jim’s Palliative Care Story

June 24, 2015

Serious illness can dramatically change not just the life of patients, but the lives of their family members, as well. In 1993, Shari McClendon was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension, which causes abnormally high blood pressure in her lungs. Once an active hiker and skier, Shari struggled as her physical symptoms worsened.

“We had a two-story house and I first started feeling very short of breath when I went up the stairs, and getting more tired, and not having as much energy as I had,” explained Shari. … Read More

Palliative care helps your doctor, too

March 2, 2015

When you have a serious illness like cancer or heart disease, your relationship with your doctor is important. It’s so important that many patients worry their doctor will be upset if they ask for extra help to cope with pain or other symptoms.

The truth is that doctors are glad to have an extra layer of support. Why? Because it helps them focus on fighting your underlying illness. … Read More

Palliative care helps manage the symptoms and stress of serious illness. How can you find it?

January 21, 2015

If you or a loved one have a serious illness, it can be hard to find the help that you need – even from your regular doctors.

You may have pain, shortness of breath, nausea or other symptoms. You may have unanswered questions about your illness and what the future will bring. Palliative care can help. … Read More

Do you have a serious illness? Palliative care can help.

December 15, 2014

Do you, or someone you love, have a serious illness? If so, you may wish you were spending more time enjoying life, and less time coping with pain, stress or other symptoms. Palliative care can help.

Palliative care is an extra layer of support for you, your family and your doctors. It will help manage your pain and symptoms. It will help you understand your treatment options. And it will help you cope with the day-to-day challenges of living with a serious illness. … Read More

David’s Palliative Care Story

November 4, 2014

David, a devoted family man, is a colorectal cancer survivor who suffered from complications as a result of his treatment. After repeated visits to the emergency room to deal with the pain, David asked for palliative care. His primary goal was to remain at home to enjoy quality time with his family. David’s palliative care team helps manage his pain but also provides psycho-social support for him and his family. Thanks to his palliative care treatment, David is now able to enjoy life at home as he continues his recovery.  For more palliative care videos, visit the Get Palliative Care YouTube Channel.

Debbie’s Palliative Care Story

October 17, 2014

This is Debbie’s palliative care story. Debbie is a hair dresser, a business owner and a proud grandmother diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Debbie was in a great amount of pain while receiving treatment for her illness. Then she found palliative care and as a result is back to work doing what she loves. Debbie’s palliative care team treats the pain and stress caused by her illness. For more information on how palliative care can help treat the symptoms of Multiple Myeloma, click here.

Palliative Care: YOU are a BRIDGE

September 29, 2014

As part of its ongoing educational efforts to increase the public’s understanding of palliative care, CAPC has released a video animation that defines and explains what palliative care is and how it supports people facing serious illness.

This video – among the first of its kind on this subject – compares people facing serious illness to a bridge that needs support. While a serious illness may weaken the foundation, the palliative care team provides that necessary layer of support.

Major funding for this campaign is provided by the Cambia Health Foundation.

Palliative Care: we are the quarterbacks of our care

July 29, 2014

Waving from the saddle of a camel. Jet skiing to the Statue of Liberty. Climbing the Great Wall of China.

This is what you’ll find Amy Berman—who was diagnosed with stage IV inflammatory breast cancer in October, 2010—doing these days. Since choosing palliative care and remaining in control of her own medical decisions, Amy says she is enjoying a “full life” of work, travel and quality time with loved ones.

“I did something so simple yet so rarely done. I chose the road less taken, and it led to better health, better care, and significantly lower cost,” said Amy in a recent Health Affairs blog post. Amy is a Senior Program Officer at the John J. Hartford Foundation, a proud mother and a staunch advocate of how palliative care can benefit anyone facing serious illness as well as their families. This is Amy’s story, in her own images, as a reminder of how palliative care empowers patients and families to match their goals with the care they receive.

What Palliative Care is and Why it Matters

May 22, 2014

Palliative care specialists, advocates and patients discuss what palliative care is and how it is beneficial to those facing serious illness.