Palliative Care is Covered by Public and Private Insurance Plans

If you have a serious illness, the bills for doctors, drugs and hospital visits can pile up quickly. For many families, money worries are sadly a big part of being sick in America.

Palliative care can help.

By meeting your needs and helping you plan for the future, palliative care can help you stay out of the hospital. You will get the care that you want, and avoid expensive crisis care like emergency room visits. You can get palliative care at the same time as treatment for your disease, so that you can live as well as possible. It is a team approach to care that puts you back in control of your life.

If you’re concerned about health care costs, your palliative care team can provide support. They can help you find out what services are covered by your health plan, both now and in the future, or you can call your health plan directly. Always make sure you understand what co-pays or fees you will be asked to pay.

Having this extra layer of support doesn’t have to cost you more. Palliative care is covered under both public and private insurance plans.

Most private insurance plans, as well as Medicare and Medicaid, cover palliative care services in the hospital, in rehabilitation and in skilled nursing or hospice facilities. Medicare and Medicaid don’t use the word “palliative” but the services are the same.

If you have Medicare Part B, Medicaid, or private health insurance coverage, you can see a palliative care team in an office, nursing facility, or your home. Your insurance will cover palliative care with normal cost-sharing (deductibles, copays, etc.).

Quality care is within your reach.  Find a palliative care provider in your area here.